Manalapan Intracoastal Homes for sale with Boat Docks

The homes

Wonderful Manalapan Florida. Below you will find all Manalapan Fl intracoastal homes for sale, including homes on the ocean. Most of these homes run from the ocean to intracoastal and are priced in excess of 5 million dollars. 

It is not uncommon for a home here to be over one hundred million dollars. Celebrities, CEO's and athletes are some of the residents that own homes here.

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About the area

You could drive through Manalapan in the blink of an eye. This sleepy town has the feel of old Florida. Strolling down the tree lined streets you'd see magnificent mansions and estates that go from ocean to intracoastal. 

If ultra luxury is what you are looking for, Manalapan real estate is it.